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Saturday, June 23, 2007



Why does Gold loose its glitter?
Gold unlike Silver doesn't tarnish, but it can be dirtied or dulled by the oil in your skin, body lotion, makeup or other substances.

How to protect your Gold
Avoid wearing gold jewelry in swimming pools because chlorine can discolor the metal.

Avoid wearing gold in the shower as soap dulls the gold.

Protect your gold ring from chemicals. While your hands can take on just about anything from exotic oils to chlorine and even bleach, your ring cannot. Whenever you handle harsh chemicals always remember to remove your wedding ring. The best protection against harmful chemicals like bleaches and hair dyes is avoiding the enemy.

Protect your ring from scratching. Scratches can be caused by a harsh cleaning brush or any kind of physical work in which your hands are active and your ring could come into contact with a sharp object.

Store your Jewelry in a soft velvet box or keep them wrapped in Jewelry paper which you can get from your jeweler.

Clean your ring regularly. No matter how well you store your Gold jewelry, it still needs to be cleaned regularly. Therefore, clean the ring regularly and carefully. Use liquid detergent and some warm water as a cleaning solution and rinse well.

Toothpaste is good for cleaning your Gold jewelry. Coat you Gold items with toothpaste, work it into a foam and gently clean your Gold pieces. Rinse well, dry, and buff with a soft cloth.
The bristles of the toothbrush work well in cleaning all of the crevices and hard to reach places. Always check for loose stones before you start cleaning and plus the hole of your sink, lest you loose on valuable precious gems or your gold ring.
Note: Toothpaste is mildly abrasive so don't rub hard. Don’t use a hard brush.
Don’t use a gel toothpaste, Use the regular creamy toothpaste.

Dishwashing Soap and Ammonia
Try cleaning your gold jewelry by soaking them for a few minutes in a solution made with 1 part liquid dishwashing liquid soap and 1 part ammonia. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth. They always come out beautiful. No scrubbing at all and no paste to get out of little cracks and crevices.

Fill a small jar with ammonia, add your gold or silver items, put on the lid and let it sit for a while. Open it up later and polish each piece with a soft cloth. This works best for gold.

Dishwashing Soap and Water
Add two cups of warm water and a few drops of a mild dishwashing liquid soap. Soak you Gold Jewelry for about 15 minutes in this solution.Gently scrub with a soft-bristle toothbrush. Rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.

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