The description of my blog says, MUSINGS, MEANDERINGS, MEMOIRS, which is a reflection of what my blog represents,
My Musings* - My thoughts, my contemplations, my autobiographical reflections.
My Meanderings* - The various topics that I cover in my blog which range from Mythology to Philosophy, Spirituality to Tradition and Culture, Beauty tips, Gardening, Health, Yoga, Home remedies(Dadi Maa ke Nuskhe), Cleaning Tips and Vegetarian Cuisine.
I have a section on some wonderful Quotes that never fail to inspire me and Thought provoking stories and snippets. You can even check out my attempts to create comic strips, thanks to the encouragement of fellow bloggers.
I even have a kid’s corner for the little ones with beautiful poems and songs that they will love to learn.
My Memoirs* - Some nostalgic memories that I have penned down here. This blog is a platform for me to express some fond memories that I have had and some that I am creating.
(* - see below for definitions)
This blog is a platform for my personal expressions. The best part is that I get to express myself to the whole world sitting in the comforts of my home...Is there a better way than this to reach out to the whole wide world. What started as a hobby/pastime has become a way of life for me. The world is truly shrinking thanks to the internet.
A short introduction of myself, I am Sukanya Balasubramaniam, A kerala Iyer from Mumbai, an Indian by birth, residing in Singapore since 2001 post marriage, a tired mother of 2 lovely girls trying to balance time for everything including my blog.
Blogging to me is an expression of your soul. Although I have been writing since my high school days and since 2002 in the Keralaiyers platform(hence there are articles on my blog that date way back to 2002, when I actually wrote them).
I started blogging only in 2007 when I was pregnant with my little one, thanks to the encouragement I received from fellow Keralaiyer members.
I was absolutely clueless in the beginning and have been learning from fellow bloggers, and the internet.
Blogging has been a very fulfilling experience for me. My readers have showered me with some rave reviews and awards galore.
The World is truly shrinking thanks to the internet. I have always been a firm believer in the power of the print media and the world wide web.
I would like to thank my mother who encouraged me to pursue my dreams, believe in my convictions and enrich me with the knowledge passed down the generations.
My grand mother(who is no more) who delighted me as a kid with stories, anecdotes and treated us to authentic cooking made with love. This blog is a tribute to my grandmother’s legacy of cooking and memories too.
I am proud to belong to a legacy of generous women who have nurtured their hearth and home with love and affection and enriched our lives with incomparable values.
As the saying goes, If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman, you educate a family. I would love to celebrate the power of the modern woman (today’s woman) who manages her home, her career, her kids and her blogs too.
I would also like to say Thank you to my husband who has helped me technically whenever I was lacking in resources. A big thank you to my kids without whose co-operation none of this would have been possible and last but not the least a big thank you to each and every visitor who visits my blog and who keep visiting again and again and leave behind lovely comments that encourage me and motivate me to keep blogging.
All writings on this blog are my personal opinions. They do not represent any company, organization, individual or group of individuals I am associated with.
This blog is a platform for my personal expressions. The best part is that I get to express myself to the whole world sitting in the comforts of my home...Is there a better way than this to reach out to the whole wide world. What started as a hobby/pastime has become a way of life for me. The world is truly shrinking thanks to the internet.
A short introduction of myself, I am Sukanya Balasubramaniam, A kerala Iyer from Mumbai, an Indian by birth, residing in Singapore since 2001 post marriage, a tired mother of 2 lovely girls trying to balance time for everything including my blog.
Blogging to me is an expression of your soul. Although I have been writing since my high school days and since 2002 in the Keralaiyers platform(hence there are articles on my blog that date way back to 2002, when I actually wrote them).
I started blogging only in 2007 when I was pregnant with my little one, thanks to the encouragement I received from fellow Keralaiyer members.
I was absolutely clueless in the beginning and have been learning from fellow bloggers, and the internet.
Blogging has been a very fulfilling experience for me. My readers have showered me with some rave reviews and awards galore.
The World is truly shrinking thanks to the internet. I have always been a firm believer in the power of the print media and the world wide web.
I would like to thank my mother who encouraged me to pursue my dreams, believe in my convictions and enrich me with the knowledge passed down the generations.
My grand mother(who is no more) who delighted me as a kid with stories, anecdotes and treated us to authentic cooking made with love. This blog is a tribute to my grandmother’s legacy of cooking and memories too.
I am proud to belong to a legacy of generous women who have nurtured their hearth and home with love and affection and enriched our lives with incomparable values.
As the saying goes, If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman, you educate a family. I would love to celebrate the power of the modern woman (today’s woman) who manages her home, her career, her kids and her blogs too.
I would also like to say Thank you to my husband who has helped me technically whenever I was lacking in resources. A big thank you to my kids without whose co-operation none of this would have been possible and last but not the least a big thank you to each and every visitor who visits my blog and who keep visiting again and again and leave behind lovely comments that encourage me and motivate me to keep blogging.
All writings on this blog are my personal opinions. They do not represent any company, organization, individual or group of individuals I am associated with.
Definition of Musings, Meandering and Memoirs for a better understanding of my blog description
*MUSINGS - mus•ing (my?'z?ng) adj.
Deep in thought; contemplative. n.
1.Contemplation; meditation.
2.A product of contemplation; a thought. “an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections” (James Atlas).
musingly mus'ing•ly adv.
me·an·der (mē-ān'der) Pronunciation Key
intr.v. me·an·dered, me·an·der·ing, me·an·ders
1. To follow a winding and turning course: Streams tend to meander through level land.
2. To move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction: vagabonds meandering through life. See Synonyms at wander.n.
1. meanders Circuitous windings or sinuosities, as of a stream or path.
2. A circuitous journey or excursion; ramble. Often used in the plural.
3. An ornamental pattern of winding or intertwining lines, used in art and architecture.
*MEMOIR - A memoir, as a literary genre, forms a sub-class of autobiography. Memoirs may appear less structured and less encompassing than formal autobiographical works.
They are often about part of a life, and often a public part of one's life, rather than one's whole life, from youth to old age.