This is my entry for "
Grill it - Summer fun" hosted by Sig on her website
Live to Eat - "Sleep till your hungry and Eat till your sleepy" I love this catch line.
Lets Celebrate Summer with Seattle
It's summer time in Seattle and time for barbecue............
Since we have the privilege of staying in Singapore which lies in the Tropical Rainforest region, we are always blessed with Summers accompanied by downpours to battle the sweltering heat and bringing down the temperatures .
So why not celebrate Summer with our Seattle brethren?.
Grilling doesnt have a season in Singapore. It happens when friends decide to meet, chill out and when 75% of the people in the group are in the mood to have barbecued food.
We are privileged to have a group who meet and have a barbecue once in a while and we are lucky to have a seperate vegetarian grill where we barbecue a whole lot of vegetarian stuff. Here's my entry for the event "Grilled Corn on the Cob". This is my hubby Yo's absolute favourite and he sometimes grills corn even on the gas at home.
In India, when it rains we used to have

Corn (known as "Butta") grilled on little charcoal chulhas(stoves) by the "buttewalla" (means a vendor selling corn). The Buttewalla used the backside of a notebook, which is made of cardboard to fan the coals so that they light up properly to barbecue the "butta"(corn).
Rains make me reminiscent of my days in India when we used to wait for the buttewalla to start selling his buttas(since this was a seasonal delicacy). The corns crackling in the chulha and the masalas put in small neat bowls waiting to be sprinkled and rubbed over the corns would make anyone's mouth water. He used to have some wonderful variations like plain salted, salted with chilly powder(lets call that chillied), salted, chillied and drizzled with Amul butter, Corn sprinkled with chaat masala and last but not the least Salted and chillied with lime. All of the above combos were available for the same price where you could choose one or all of the available ingredients, except when you add the amul butter, which was slightly more priced than the rest.
People would wait impatiently to get their corn done (the chulha was usually small and only 2 corns can be barbecued at a time), The waiting time made it even more appealing as we would get to see the way he barbecued, sprinkled, rubbed masala with lime and watching this mouthwatering chore would make us await our turn eagerly. The corn was served in its husks with the respctive combo masala. It used to be such a pleasure to dunk into its sweet, tangy, spicy taste while its hot and the weather is so chilly due to the rains.
This recipe is for Yo.....
Corn on the cob is an all time favourite and tastes really divine when freshly roasted on a grill. There is a technique to roast the corn and you will be surprised to know that the best technique is to cook the corn in their husks, directly on a hot grill. The husks protect the corn from getting dried out and the corn essentially steams in its own moisture (no need to soak the corn in water as called for by some). The smokey corn husks impart a wonderful flavor to the corn as well.
Sweet Corns – 4-5
Lemons – 2 cut into halves.
Salt as required
Red chilly powder as required
Butter as required
Wait for the coals to be burning well.Remove just the visible silks from the tips of the corn. Place the corn in their husks on the hot grill.
Turn the corn occasionally with long tongs so that you don’t burn yourself, Grill until the husks are charred on all sides, about 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the corn from the grill. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Use a hand towel to protect your hands while removing the silks and charred husks from the corn. Make a mixture of salt and chilly powder. Cut the lemon into halves. With the half lemon dip into salt and red chilly powder and rub onto the corn from all sides. Using a butter knife spread butter on all sides of the corn. The Butter will be melting and when u bite onto the corn the butter and the spices will simply melt along with the freshly roasted corn in your mouth. Its simply divine and an all time Indian favourite.
(The photo of "Rain" is a free downloadable poster from the net and the picture of the corns being grilled with their husks on a grill are courtesy Wikipedia)