Bhakri - A roti made out of Bajra is very simple and easy to make, it is usually made with the hand and you don’t use a rolling pin and base as is used in normal rotis. Bajra is very good for health. It is usually eaten during winters as it is heaty and provides warmth to the body. Bajra should be freshly ground. If the Bajra flour is very old the rotis won’t be so tasty and they may feel bitter. Traditionally, the bhakri is made on mud tavas (flat bottomed pans made of mud), the experts can make big size bhakris in minutes, but for beginners try starting with smaller size bhakris. The dough is not as smooth as the chappati dough as the gluten content is low in bajra. Making Bhakri is a little tricky for beginners, but with practice it gets better. Bhakri is very heavy and a person can eat just one or two.
Bajra Flour – 2 cups
Salt to taste
Water to make the dough
If the flour is fresh no need to use salt also in the dough, but if you cant get the fresh flour, we need to enhance the taste by using salt. Since this roti doesn’t use salt or oil in the dough, it is considered very healthy.
In a bowl take 2 cups of bajra flour, salt as per taste and water enough to make the dough. Now make balls of the dough and using your palms flatten the dough. Use your fingers and start spreading it on your palm. Once you cross the size of your palm, Heat a tava, put the bhakri on the tava and using water spread the dough some more and try to make the bhakri bigger. Now make your palm wet and smear the top with a little water. Sprinkle water on all sides. Allow it to cook on one side, then turn it and cook it on the other side. Then with tongs cook on both sides on direct flame. When the Bhakri gets brown spots on both sides like chappati. It is done. Serve hot with lasoon chutney and a dollop of fresh white butter. Bhakri is best eaten with Zunka and Pitla. It also tastes good with Methi bhaji and Rassyacha Batata.
(Refer to the Maharashtrain Delights section of my blog for the recipes of Zunka, Pitla, Rassyacha Batata and Mirchi cha Thecha)
My husband loves to eat his bhakri with Zunka and Mirchi cha Thecha.
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