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Thursday, May 14, 2015

random work in progress

Colic is one of the most common reasons a baby cries. The reason could be untimely feeds and wrong kind of gassy foods consumed by the breast feeding mother.
If a baby (less than nine months of age) has a pain in the stomach, the recommended remedy is to crush 10 to 15 grains of dill seed (known as “Suva” in India) in a teaspoonful of water. This extract should be mixed with a few drops of mother's milk and administered to the baby.
H Here’s a picture of the dill seed for identification.

Another common stomach ailment is constipation. Everyone is aware how uncomfortable it is to be constipated. One loses one's appetite, feels that one's stomach is distended and dreads the next trip to the bathroom. If adults find constipation so discomfiting, one can only imagine what a baby must feel. Tradition has a cure for this too. Administer a few drops of castor oil mixed with a teaspoonful of mother's milk or lukewarm water. The dose of castor oil should be adjusted according to the age of the baby and the severity of the constipation. This once-a-day dose should be terminated once normal bowel movement has been restored.
CHEBULIC MYROBALAN : Botanical Name: Terminalia chebula - also known as harda or pilehar in Hindi, kadukka in Malayalam, Kadukkai in Tamil, kadukar or karakaya in Telugu, harithaki, pathya, sudha or poothana in Sanskrit. (Refer to the picture on your left)
It is very effective in treating constipation. Just rub the seed of the harda on a stone with a little bit of water and give the paste to the baby every morning after bath and the baby will be relieved of constipation.
1. A natural and simple diet is a significant factor in preventing constipation. Eat plenty of green vegetables, whole grains, cereals, bran, fresh and dry fruits, milk and milk products etc. One should carefully avoid faulty diets, intake of refined and rich foods lacking minerals and vitamins, overeating, extravagant consumption of meat, regular use of purgatives and excess of strong tea or coffee. If you are prone to habitual constipation, taking warm water frequently during the day-time will be of good help to you. Food should be properly chewed and should be taken as per schedule, avoiding odd meal timings.
2. Mix the three myrobalans (Indian gooseberry, Chebulic myrobalan and Beleric myrobalan) in equal ratio and grind them in a mixer and sieve it. Consuming this powder with a glass of warm water twice or thrice a day helps relieving constipation.
3. In a glass of cold water mix a teaspoonful of Ispagula husk. Now you get this commonly as Isabgol. Take this solution followed by another glass of water. This remedy is highly useful for constipation.
4. Keep drinking water in a copper vessel and leave it overnight. Drinking this water in the morning helps regulating the bowel movement.
5. Mix one part of Indian Senna, 2 parts of Chebulic myrobalan, and one part of Indian gooseberry. Grind the mixture into a fine powder. Taking a teaspoonful of this powder is effective in chronic constipation.
6. Apply Castor oil/ Coconut oil to the Anus region of the Baby, so that it doesn't pain for the baby while passing motion and the hard motion easily slips out. Use a cotton bud to apply and don't use your finger else you may hurt the baby with your nail.

1. Cut a lemon into two halves. Sprinkle a very small pinch of black salt over the cut surface, and lick it. The strong aroma of lemon coupled with the salty taste will make you feel better.
2. Cut a slice of ginger. Chew it for some time. You can use black salt to impart a salty taste to the ginger.
3. Make a sherbet out of ginger and lime, Add some black salt and sugar to taste. You will feel much relieved.

Loss of appetite and indigestion are closely linked entities of digestive disturbances in Ayurveda. Agnimandhya is the term used to denote the loss of appetite while Ajeerna denotes indigestion. A harmonious balance of Vata and Pitta hold the essence of a normal appetite. A vitiation in their mutual balance could lead to a loss of appetite. Irregular dietary habits bring about a vitiation in Pitta while psychic problems like anxiety, fear or physical causes like suppression of impeding urges lead to an imbalance in Vata. Both these sequences lead to disturbances in normal levels of appetite.
1. Extract about a cup of pomegranate seed juice. Add a pinch of rock salt and a spoonful of honey. Taking this solution slowly removes the bad taste from the mouth and increases your appetite!
2. Take equal parts of mustard seeds, asafetida, ginger, cumin seeds and black salt and grind the mixture to a fine powder. Add this mixture to a glass of buttermilk and drink it an hour before meals to enhance the appetite.
3. Mix well a spoonful of each - Indian gooseberry powder, clarified butter and honey. Take this paste prior to meals to improve the appetite.
4. Ingredients : one part each of cloves, nutmeg and long pepper, 3 parts of Indian gooseberry and 8 parts of ginger. Grind the mixture to obtain a fine powder. Add sufficient sugar to make the taste acceptable. Consuming a spoonful of this mixture twice or thrice a day helps in regaining the lost appetite.
5. Mix in equal parts, cinnamon bark, small cardamom, coriander seeds and fennel seeds. Soak the mixture in cold water overnight. Strain this blend with a tea strainer. Drinking this cold infusion early in the morning helps in building an appetite.
6. Soak about 10 grams of tamarind in a cup of warm water for 30 minutes. Squeeze the mass to obtain tamarind juice. Add a pinch of table salt to suit your taste. Add about 2 grams of powdered ajowan seeds. Taken before meals, this juice improves appetite. Alternatively, you can dilute 1/2 a teaspoonful of tamarind pulp in one cup of water for this purpose.
7. Basil tea is an efficacious drink to enhance appetite. Take about 20 gms of Basil leaves and boil the same in 250 ml of water till the quantity is reduced to half of the original volume. Strain the liquid and mix an equal amount of milk, a pinch of cardamom powder and sufficient sugar to suit your taste. Consuming this tea twice a day helps to increase your appetite.

Flatulence is known as Anaha in Ayurveda. The causative dosha is Vata and is characterized by stiffness in the lower abdomen, scanty defecation, and occasional breathing problems.
1. Take a pinch of asafetida and dissolve it in a cup of hot water. Drink this water when it is adequately cool.
2. Light roast a tablespoonful of fennel seeds. Once they cool down to a bearable temperature, chew them thoroughly in divided doses. After the first two doses, you will experience a great deal of relief.

This is known as Ajeerna in Ayurveda. It is result of fasting or consumption of food before digestion of the earlier intake of food. Untimely food habits, heavy or dry food, psychological causes like fear, anger, jealousy etc., suppression of natural urges and excessive intake of water cause indigestion! A reduction in Pitta activity with an excessive Kapha characterize the doshic profile of indigestion.
1. Mix a teaspoon of ajwain seeds with 1/2 spoon of rock salt. Consume the mixture with a glass of water. This will instantly get rid of flatulence and stomach disorder.
2. Mix 5 gms of asafetida with a glass of hot water. Add a teaspoonful of sugar to better the taste. Though it smells bad while swallowing, it rapidly relieves your system of flatulence and helps in relieving indigestion.
3. Add 2 drops of mint oil in a cup of warm water and drink immediately. It provides instant relief from gripping and flatulence.
4. Wash about 20-25 fresh curry leaves with cold water. Extract the juice from these leaves. In a cup of plain water, add about 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice and the juice obtained from the curry leaves. Add 1 teaspoonful of honey to this blend and always drink this when its fresh. It relieves nausea, vomiting and flatulence induced by indigestion.

DIARRHOEA (Loose Motions)
This condition is termed as Atisara in Ayurveda. Diarrhoea could be caused by any of the following :
Intake of foods of any particular quality in excess, foods incompatible with your prakriti or with seasonal variations, intake of foods that are not well cooked, contaminated water or other beverages etc.
Further, in Ayurveda, diarrhoea is also described to be induced by mental causes and by toxins.
Atisar is classified into 7 distinct types namely, Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Bhayaja (caused by fear), Tridoshaja, Shokaja (caused by grief) and Raktatisara (diarrhoea associated with bleeding).
During diarrhoea, ensure that you are on a suitable diet to overcome dehydration, as advised by your physician. Ensure that the body is replenished with fluids to prevent dehydration.
  1. Whey or buttermilk are considered effective remedies for diarrhoea. Whey is the liquid portion of curd while buttermilk is obtained by churning the curd after the fat has been removed. Take any one of them in small volumes at frequent intervals.
  2. Kanji made from cooked rice cooked in water, with a pinch of salt is also very good and soothing.
  3. A solution made with salt and sugar (Electral water/ ORS) is to be administered to the person suffering from time to time. This is to prevent dehydration.
  4. Raw banana is an effective astringent and is recommended widely as a diet for treating diarrhoea. Cut one raw banana into three pieces and soften them in a pressure cooker using an adequate volume of water. Drain out the excess water. Separate the peel and mash the softened pulp well. In a skillet, roast a small volume of poppy seeds till they brown. Grind them to obtain a fine powder. Add this powder to the banana mash together with a pinch of salt. This delicious and nutritious receipe checks diarrhoea owing to its astringent properties.
  5. The dried rind of a pomegranate is an invaluable remedy for diarrhoea. A fine powder of this rind, 1 gm twice a day taken with buttermilk helps to check the frequency of loose motions.



Nutmeg is also known as Jaiphal in hindi, Jadhikkai in Tamil, Jajikaya in telegu.
(Refer to picture of Nutmeg on your left).
Nutmeg is very effective in loose motions. It helps arrest the motions and also gives a peaceful sleep to the baby.

    1. Soak two teaspoonfuls of ajwain seeds(bishops weed) in cold water. Add a pinch of common salt. Using this infusion as a common gargle substantially eases the acute sore throat.
    2. Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be added to a litre of cold water and simmered on a gentle flame. This should be allowed to cool to a temperature that could be tolerated by the buccal cavity. Strain this mixture and gargle with it several times a day. This cures a sore throat.
    3. Coarsely powder the cinnamon bark. Boil a teaspoonful of this powder in water. Strain the extract and add a pinch of black pepper and a teaspoonful of honey. Consuming this decoction every three hours in a day cures a sore throat.

    Traditional home remedies for Cold
    Cold makes the baby extremely uneasy, the baby becomes cranky and sleepless. What can be done when the baby has a cold.
    Indian Home remedy :
    Here is a recipe for “Kashayam” or tonic which can be administered to the baby all through the day instead of using water. The only point to remember is that it has to be made fresh every morning and it should be warm while given to the baby, this can be had by adults too.
    Recipe for Kashayam for Cold
    Tulasi or Basil – 8-10 leaves (u can put along with the stem). (Refer to picture on your left)

    Leaves of the Bishop’s weed – (leaves of the ajwain plant, Karpooravalli) – 1-2 leaves. (Refer to picture on your left)

    Bishop’s weed - (Ajwain,Omam) – one teaspoon
    (Refer to picture on your left)

    Cumin seeds – (Jeera, Jeeragam) – one teaspoon(refer to picture on your right)

    Dill seeds – (Suva seeds) – one teaspoon (Refer to picture below)

    Fennel seeds - (Saunf, Sombu) – one teaspoon (this sweetens the tonic a little). (Refer to picture on your right)

    Pepper (Miri, Molaghu) – 3-4 peppercorns (refer to picture on your left)

    Take 4-5 glasses of water, put all the abovementioned ingredients and let it come to boiling point, once it reaches the boiling point wait for another 2-3 minutes so that all the essence of the spices and herbs enter the water and put off the gas.
    Wait till this concoction becomes warm and u can add a teaspoon of honey and give your baby. Honey is very soothing for the throat incase the baby is having a sore throat. Also if the baby is fussy and doesn’t like the taste of the tonic, adding honey may induce the baby to have the tonic because it adds some sweetness to the kashayam. This can be served several times during the day. It reduces the phlegm and very soothing for the cold and cough. Remember it has to always be served warm and made fresh everyday.

    Having a cold can be quite a nuisance, but for a baby it is particularly uncomfortable. There is a traditional method to alleviate the baby's discomfort. If the baby is less than six months old, take 4-5 nagarvel paans (Paan means betel leaves) and place them on a sieve. Place the sieve on a cooking pan over a fire. 1 paan should be placed in the centre of the sieve to allow it to get moderately hot. These warm paans are then placed on the baby's chest one after another. However, make sure that the paans are not so hot that they burn the baby's skin. This procedure should be continued for about five minutes by re-heating the cooled paans.

    In the case of babies over six months of age, one can use balls of soft cotton cloth in place of the paans. The balls of cloth should be heated on an indirect fire (heat a tava (flat bottomed pan), place the cloth for a second or 2, feel it against your palm, if it is bearable or not). Then place it on the baby’s chest, on the ribs, the throat and the back. The moderately warm balls of cloth should then be pressed gently against the baby's chest and back. Here again, make sure that the balls of cloth are at a temperature that will not affect the baby's tender skin. If it is not possible to heat the balls of cloth on an indirect fire, one can heat a piece of soft cotton cloth using a hot iron and then roll it into a ball.


    Wednesday, February 18, 2015


    Mojito (read Mohito) is a traditional Cuban highball. Traditionally, a mojito is a cocktail that consists of five ingredients: white rum, sugar, lime juice, sparkling water and mint.
    Main alcohol: Rum
    But since I don’t consume alcohol I will share with you this wonderful non-alcoholic recipe which is very refreshing and has health benefits too.

    Note the recipe of Mojito served on the rocks.

    Mint leaves – 6-8 fresh mint leaves
    Soda water – ½ glass Club soda
    Lime juice – 2 tablespoons (freshly squeezed)
    Sugar – 2 teaspoons
    Ice cubes – As required (For one glass of Mojito you require one glass of ice)

    In a tall glass, Add lime juice, sugar and about 6-8 mint leaves. With the help of a spoon or a cocktail muddler crush the mint leaves into the lime juice and sugar. This releases oils from the mint and helps the sugar dissolve into the lime juice. Stir well then pour into a glass filled with ice, leaving about an inch of room then top with club soda. Garnish with extra mint leaves and a lime slice.
    Serve on the rocks; poured over ice with a straw

    You can make this for a family of four with the quantity as below
    Freshly squeezed lime juice - ½ cup
    Sugar - 3 – 4 tablespoons
    Fresh Mint leaves – About 30 plus some for garnish
    Ice – 4 cups
    Soda water - ½  cup
    Lime slices – 4 for garnishing.

    Here are some health benefits of drinking this mocktail.....

    Click here to read the benefits of drinking soda water…..Trying to make weak indulgences guiltless!!!!

    Mint is not just a mouth refresher, it’s health benefits include digestion, nausea, headache, and asthma.

    Enjoy this Refreshing non alcoholic drink. You can serve it in parties and they make an excellent alcohol- free cocktail for adults.

    Some info courtesy - Wikipedia

    Monday, October 6, 2014


    This is probably one of the easiest sweets to make. This is also one of the first sweets I ever attempted to make. I would call this a beginner’s sweet or a no-fail recipe for anybody. Just follow the recipe step-by-step and you will have one the easiest sweets to prepare for Diwali or any festival or just to gobble like that. I also call Rava Laddoo one of the easiest sweets as it is prepared with ingredients easily available at home like Semolina, sugar and ghee. Rava Laddoo in Tamil is known as Suji ke Laddoo in the North and Ravyacha Laadoo in Maharashtra.
    Here is the recipe for Rava Laddoo

    Semolina/Rava/sooji - 1 cup 
    Sugar – ¾ cup - 1 cup (depending on how sweet you like)
    Ghee - ¼ cup 
    Milk (optional) - 1 tblsp 
    Cardamom powder (elaichi) – 1 tsp
    Cashew nuts – 2 tbsps sliced in halves
    Raisins – 2 tbsps 

    In a wok (pan), add the semolina and roast evenly by continuously stirring it with a spatula over a medium flame until a nice toasted aroma comes out of it. Be careful not to burn the rava while roasting it as it will completely ruin the taste of the laddoo. Let the roasted rava cool down. Keep it aside.
    Now powder the sugar and keep aside.
    Now take the cooled down roasted rava and mix with the sugar and run in the blender till it becomes one uniform mixture. Add in the cardamom (elaichi) powder and run it in the blender along with the rava and sugar.
    Now transfer this mix to a big plate. I usually take a big plate so it’s easy for me to mix. In a saucepan, add in the ¼ cup ghee and to it add the Cashew nuts and Raisins and fry until the raisins become plump and the cashew nuts get slightly toasted. Add this to the rava and sugar mixture.
    Sprinkle the milk and mix thoroughly (This step is optional). In case you are using milk, heat up the milk slightly and add in warm milk to the mix. Milk is added to enable binding the mixture well enough so as to make the laddoos easily. I haven’t used milk in my recipe. I have made the laddoos completely with ghee. Adding milk reduces the shelf life of the laddoos.
    Once, you have added the ghee, make small balls out of the mixture immediately, make tight balls. Rava Laddoo is ready to enjoy!!!

             While blending the semolina, ensure that it is blended to a fine powder which will enable to make the laddoo easily. If the mix is coarse then it won’t be easy to make the laddoos.
             The finer the blend the more melt-in-the mouth the laddoo’s will be.
             In case, you are not using milk and find it difficult to bind, add in more melted warm ghee to the mix until it’s easier to make the laddoos.
             Sugar can be added according to taste. 3/4th cup is just ok not overly sweet. If you like it more sweet you can add 1 cup of sugar.

             You can reduce the ghee by 2 tbsps in the recipe and it still turns out fine. 

    Friday, July 18, 2014


    The biological name of Cluster beans is Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. It is an annual legume and the source of guar gum. It is also known as Gavar, Gawar Phali, Guwar or Guvar bean.

    This is yet another weekend special from my kitchen. The reason it’s cooked over the weekends is simply because the process to cook this dish is quite lengthy and time consuming. But it’s one of my absolute favorites. There are some dishes which amma (my mom) knows; that can make me happy any day and this is one of it.

    Now, cluster beans is called Cheenivarikkai at my place. I guess it must be a kerala iyer (Tam brahms from Kerala) name.  I don’t know how many people call it as that. I didn’t know for very long that it is also known as Kothavarangai.

    Paruppu usili is made in different houses differently but I absolutely adore my mom’s recipe and follow it to the T.
    I even heard that many people use Bengal Gram (Chana dal) to make paruppu usili, but my mom uses Toor Dal (Pigeon Peas).
    Apparently many people don’t like Cluster beans and it seems in yesteryears when old people would go for Pilgrimage to Kashi (Explanation below) they would usually give up on Cluster beans.

    Kashi Vishwanath temple  - A visit to the temple and a bath in the river Ganges is one of many methods believed to lead one on a path to Moksha (salvation) hence people from all over the nation try to visit the place at least once in their lifetime. There is also a tradition that one should give up at least one desire after a pilgrimage at the temple.

    When I asked my Grandma why they would give up on such a lovely vegetable, my grandma would say, because Cluster Beans is usually very gassy and as you age your digestive systems would become weak so it would be best to avoid it.

    Thank god we are not in those times and I probably may not have to give up on this lovely vegetable. There are some people who steam the paruppu (Dal), but I don’t, here is the recipe for all of you to enjoy.

    For the Kothavarangai Mezhukkuvaratti (Poriyal)
    Cheenivarikkai / Kothavarangai (Cluster Beans) – 750 gms chopped
    Oil – 2 tsps
    Mustard seeds – 1tsp
    Udad seeds – 1 tsp
    Red Chilly – 1 broken in halves
    Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
    Asafetida – a pinch
    Salt as per taste
    Shredded Coconut – 2 tbsps

    For the Paruppu Usili
    To grind to a coarse paste:
    Toor Dal - 1 cup
    Dried Red Chillies – 1
    Green Chilly – 1
    Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
    Asafetida – a pinch
    Salt as per taste
    Mustard seeds – 1tsp
    Udad seeds – 1 tsp
    Rinse & soak 1 cup Toor dal for about 1-2 hours.
    Trim the edges and chop cluster beans finely. Rinse it well. In a Kadhai (wok), Add 1 tsp of oil, when it is hot, Add the mustard seeds and when they begin to crackle, Add udad dal and the dried chilly broken in half. When the udad dal becomes slightly pink, add the chopped cluster beans, mix well, ½ tsp of Turmeric powder, a pinch of Asafetida, Salt as per taste,  stir and close with lid and cook on low flame till it is cooked. Once it’s cooked, Transfer to a plate.
    Drain the Soaked toor dal and grind it coarse in a blender with 1 dried red chilly and 1 green chilly, a pinch of turmeric, a pinch of asafetida and salt as
    per taste. Keep aside

    In the same Kadhai (wok), Add 1 tsp of oil, when it is hot, Add the mustard seeds and when they begin to crackle, Add udad dal, when the udad dal becomes slightly pink, add the  coarsely blended dal mixture. Keep sautéing until the mixture separates and become golden brown. Once that is done, add the cooked cluster beans and mix well. Now, finally, add in the shredded coconut and mix well. Check for salt at this point as well. Incase there is salt you can add some at this point as well. Cook for 2-3 minutes on sim.

    The Cheenivarikkai / Kothavarangai Paruppu usili is ready. Enjoy with Rasam and rice.

    Variation to the above method
    Steam method – After you coarse grind the dal paste. Boil water in an idli pan, spread the coarse mixture on the steamer plate and steam it for 5-7mins, once it cools down, crumble it with your hands and set aside.
    Now heat oil in a wok,  Add the mustard seeds and when they begin to crackle, Add udad dal, when the udad dal becomes slightly pink, add the add the dal mixture & sauté till golden brown, then follow as above.

    • Ensure that the dal mixture is blended coarse, if it becomes a fine paste then you will not get the perfect texture. To ensure that it doesn’t get ground fine, make sure to drain the water completely.
    • If you are using the steaming method then follow as above. Please ensure to spread the mixture and then steam it as it crumbles easily.
    • This recipe can be used to make French beans, flat beans (Avarakkai), Long beans, Banana flower (Vazhapoo) etc.

    Friday, July 4, 2014


    This is a vegan recipe. I was also careful to use the NON GMO Soya bean Tofu.  
    (Kindly do click on the word "NON GMO Soya bean" hyperlink to learn more about Non GMO Foods).
    There are many varieties of Tofu available in the market. For this recipe choose the medium firm ones. In Singapore you can buy it everywhere and they are known as Tau kwa.
    Soya bean is high in calcium which is good for your bones and teeth.

    Tau Kwa also has a high amount of Isoflavones which allows one to prevent heart disease. FDA states that consumption of 25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. With these kind of health benefits isn’t it good to add tofu to your vegetables?

    This dish is very easy to cook and very healthy as it’s packed with proteins and vitamins. I would call it a crunchy crispy delight. You can eat this with brown rice/ white rice/ Noodles or just dunk into a bowlful of this nutritional delicacy.

    Stir fry vegetables with soya sauce is made in many south asian countries with a variation to the sauces / spices used.

    Below is the Indo-Chinese, Indo-thai, Indo-Pinoy fusion version. (Indo because there is an Indian twist to it)

    You can add any vegetables to it like Broccoli, Celery, Mushrooms, Cauliflower….the list of variations is endless. You can rustle this up with whatever you have at home.

    Tofu cubes (Tau Kwa) - 1 teacup
    Carrot - 1
    French Beans / Snow Peas – 5 - 6
    Onions   2
    Tomatoes - 1
    Capsicum – 1
    Green chilly – 1 big (non – spicy variety)
    Stem of spinach – a few
    Oil – 1 tbsp
    Cumin seeds – 1 tsp (optional)
    Soya Sauce – 1 tbsp
    Ginger paste – 1 tsp
    Red chilli powder – ½ tsp (optional)
    Salt as per taste
    Pepper – a pinch of coarsely ground pepper (optional)
    Spring onion for garnish
    Coriander leaves for garnish

    Cut the Tofu into cubes Deep fry the tofu until medium brown (about 5 to 8 minutes). Set aside. You can avoid frying and can add the tofu at the end when the vegetables are almost done. Tofu cubes are soft and tend to break, hence, frying would be a good option to keep its texture and shape good.

    Chop 1 onion, tomato and the ginger and make a coarse paste in the blender. Keep aside.

    Julienne ( cut thin strip lengthwise ) the carrots , beans , capsicum, Chilly,  Cut some Spinach stems about the same length as the julienned carrots

    Now, heat a pan and pour-in 1 tablespoon cooking oil. Add the cumin seeds, when it splutters, Sauté the onion. Once it’s translucent, add in the blended coarse paste of the Onion- Ginger Tomato and sauté well, until you see the oil come out of the paste indicating its cooked well. Now add the fried tofu and stir-fry for 3 minutes. Add all the vegetables and stir fry for 3 to 5 minutes. Put-in soya sauce, salt as per taste, chilly powder and pepper as required. Cook in steam till it’s done. The vegetable shouldn’t be overdone. It should be cooked but crunchy.
    Garnish with finely chopped spring onion leaves and cilantro (Coriander leaves)
    You can make a vegetable broth to pour on top or just enjoy the way it is. Serve steaming hot with Rice/ Noodles or just plain.
    Flavors of Cumin & Tomatoes give an Indian twist to this dish. Do enjoy this healthy recipe.

    Saturday, May 10, 2014


    Toddlers / Babies can get mouth ulcers and swelling in gums too. This may also lead to bad breath and your toddler / baby becoming cranky.
    There are a few home remedies that can be administered before you take your baby to the doctor. Home remedies are safe and harmless but they are not a substitute for a doctor's consultation.

    The following remedies can be tried : -
    • If you are breast feeding your baby. Keep breast feeding him/her. Breast milk can be very healing for mouth ulcers. (FOR TODDLERS & BABIES
    • You can apply coconut milk during the day time to the insides of the mouth and the gums. It will be soothing and help in healing. (FOR TODDLERS & BABIES)

    • Add salt to warm water and rinse your mouth with it. The proportion of salt should be high i.e., 3 tbsp of salt in one glass of warm water. Gargle with this water and let it stay in your mouth for at least 30 seconds. Swoosh the water around inside your mouth so that it covers your teeth and gums thoroughly. Do not rinse your mouth with plain water immediately if you want to have relief from the pain for longer time. (FOR TODDLERS ONLY)
    • If your baby suffers from swelling and infection in your gums more often, make it a habit of brushing your baby's teeth 3 times a day. Do not use a brush, but use your forefinger to brush gently. Please ensure that your finger nails are cut. Do not forget to make him rinse his mouth after every meal. Carry out proper hygiene. (FOR TODDLERS ONLY)
    • If the swelling does not subside for a couple of days and your baby is not eating properly or crying, see a dentist and go through the treatment prescribed.


    Monday, April 21, 2014


    This year when I saw raw mangoes arrive in the market I decided to pickle them. Yo(my husband is very fond of pickles) and nowadays the pickles we buy in the market have a pungent flavor to them, no matter which brand you buy, eventually you wear off the brands as you start feeling this. So, I thought better make them at home.  I was not sure whether I should make Avakkai(the south Indian style) mango pickle or the Gujarati style Mango pickle so I asked all my Facebook friends and somehow got tempted to make the Methi Rai Kuria Mango Pickle. I absolutely adore the Mango pickles that my Gujarati neighbor used to make in big porcelain pickle jars during the summer months back in India. Not only would the home made ones have a lot of Masala, but the mangoes would also be quite soft unlike the ones we buy from the shop.

    I read on some websites that this pickle is made either with methi na kuria (crushed fenugreek seeds) or rai na kuria (split mustard seeds). I decided to add both because I like the masala more than the mango itself.

    If I can make these at home anyone can make it…It’s incredibly easy to make.  The main preparation is the ingredients, once everything is ready, it is only assembly.


    Cut Mango Pieces – 1 ½ kilo / Approximately 10 teacups of cut raw mangoes.
    Salt – 2 teacups
    Broken Yellow Mustard ground coarsely – 1 cup
    Methi (Whole)  ground coarsely – ¼ cup
    Kashmiri Chilly powder – 1 cup
    Asafetida – 2 tbsp
    Oil – 41/2 cups

    Before you start the process of assembly you need to take the following precautions.

    ·         Work in an open space with the windows open.

    ·         Don’t sit under the ceiling fan lest the masala blows into your eyes and nose.

    ·         Wear plastic disposable gloves, because some people have sensitive hands and they may find their hands burning with the chilly powder for a long time.

    First wash the mangoes, wipe them and then cut them in big chunks, I made slightly smaller chunks. After you cut don’t wash them, just let them dry out on a newspaper in the sun for a while. Meanwhile make your other ingredients ready.

    Lightly Roast the whole fenugreek seeds and when cool, crush them coarsely as shown in the picture.

    Lightly Roast the Broken Yellow Mustard seeds, this is readily available in the market. No need to grind this, you can use it as it is.

    Heat the oil lightly till it is warm (not up to the smoking point) and let it cool. This process is to remove the raw smell of the oil. This step maybe avoided in the readymade pickles available in the market hence the pickles start to give a pungent odor.


    As you can see in the picture I kept all my ingredients ready.

    I mixed the salt, red chilly powder, crushed fenugreek seeds, the roasted broken yellow mustard seeds and asafetida together in a big open plate, After which I added the cut mango chunks.

    Ensure everything coats well.
    Finally add in the Oil and give it a good mix.
    You can mix using a spatula or your hand.
    Once you feel everything is mixed well, slowly, gently take spoonfuls and drop into a sterilized porcelain or glass jar/bottle. Every day keep the jar in the sun for 2-3 hours.

    The pickling process starts as the Mangoes start to marinate in the masala.

    Every day in the morning open the jar and with a long dry spoon, give it a good stir.

    In about 10-15 days the pickle is ready for you’ll to eat. 

    I have not used any preservative. The oil and salt are natural preservatives and will help preserve the pickle.

    This pickle can be stored for a year but you have to be careful not to use a wet spoon while you scoop out small portions for your immediate everyday servings.

    Store this in a cool dry place. Enjoy this lovely condiment with your food.


    ·         Preferably use Kashmiri chilly powder as it imparts a lovely red color to the pickle.

    ·         This pickle can also be made with ½ cup rai na kuria (split mustard seeds) only.

    ·         This pickle can also be made with ½ cup methi na kuria (crushed fenugreek seeds) only.

    ·         If you wish, you can use drained baby mangoes in brine, in which case, you should reduce the quantity of salt in this recipe.

    Tuesday, April 1, 2014


    Here I am proud to present yet another kerala-iyer dish, the Green tomatoes Aviyal, this is very popular at home.
    Green tomatoes are a healthy source of fiber, which your intestinal and digestive systems rely on for good health. One cup of green tomatoes supplies about 2 grams of dietary fiber. Fiber is present in most fruits, vegetables and whole grains, so increasing your intake of these foods, including cooked green tomatoes, can help you get enough in your diet. The Harvard School of Public Health reports that a diet that includes plenty of fiber may help you reduce your risk of several life-threatening conditions, including heart disease, colon cancer and Type 2 diabetes. Fiber also keeps your digestive system working well so you are less likely to experience constipation.
    Green tomatoes also contain nutrients like beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, protein, and vitamin K. This recipe would make it worth to add these lovely green tomatoes to your menu.
    Once in a way when I visit the Giant hypermart I get to see some green tomatoes nestled in between the ripe red ones or the semi-ripe tomatoes. This time I decided to pick a few for my dish. In yesteryears, where people used to grow tomatoes in their garden they had the luxury to pluck and make these but now we have to rely on supply from our super stores. Green tomatoes have a tart taste to it which is loved by many. It’s usually made as a side dish with Molaghootal / Kootu

    Green tomatoes - 6 nos
    Turmeric - a pinch
    Red chilli powder - 1/4tspn
    Fresh grated coconut - 1/2 cup
    Dried Red Chilly  - 1
    Cumin seeds -1 teaspoon
    Salt as per taste
    Coconut oil -1 tspn
    Curry leaves - 1 sprig

    Rinse the tomatoes well. Slice the tomatoes into 4 parts, don’t make think slices or small pieces as it will melt when cooked into a puree. The tomatoes have to be chunky before cooking.  In a vessel, add the sliced tomatoes, some turmeric, red chilly powder  and salt and curry leaves and cook it covered.
    Meanwhile, Grind the coconut with the dried red chilly and cumin seeds to a smooth paste.  Once the tomatoes are cooked, Add in the ground coconut paste, check for salt, if required you can adjust now, you can also add chilly powder for a slightly fiery taste. Don’t let the gravy boil for too long as it will become very watery. After a boil or so, once all the ingredients are mixed well and the taste according to you is perfect, drizzle some raw coconut oil on top. This is done for giving it a dash of flavor. It’s kind of a grand finale for this dish.
    Now put the lid on and let the flavors mingle for a while.
    In some hot white  rice, drizzle some ghee, add your Molaghutal to the rice, mix well, take a helping of the Tomato Aviyal and eat Molaghutal rice with it and with some fried lijjat papads. That’s the way we eat this and savor the blend of various tastes in our mouth.

    Note -:

    ·    While grinding the coconut instead of dried red chilly you can add green chilly. I like the flavor of the dried red chilly so I added dried red chilly to my dish.
    ·       Don’t add tamarind or Yogurt as Green tomatoes are quite sour on it’s own.
    ·    You can add onions/shallots to this dish for more flavor, but what I have shared is a traditional recipe.
     (Nutritional Value Info courtesy –


    Friday, March 14, 2014


    The Karadayan Nombu festival is primarily observed and celebrated by the Tamil Brahmins. It is celebrated during the transition of Tamil Month of Maasi to Panguni. Due to this legend Karadaiyan Nombu is also known as Savithri Vratham.

    There are a few festivals in India which are very male oriented and centered around men. Primarily because in the past the men were the bread winners and the woman’s role was taking care of the hearth and homes. Their lives were intertwined with their husbands and they usually used to pray for the long lives of their husband, so that he is always there for them till the day they die. This was also a way to profess their undying love for their husbands. As per one of my cousins this could be known as the “Karwa Chauth” of the South Indians (Tambhrams). To give it a filmy twist, Women can even ask their husbands to tie the Yellow thread for them😉and then touch his feet and seek his blessings😇. (I'm not sure how many women of today will be ready to do that😜😜😜😜)


    Karadayan Adai is the name of a unique dish prepared on this day and Nombu means Vratham or upavasam (fast).Wives keep a fast to pray for the long lives of their husband's. They break the fast at the timings specified (muhurtham timings) by eating the Adai.


    The Story of the Tamil Karadayan Nombu festival is based on the legend of Satyavan Savitri which is one of the stories that we read in the epic story Mahabharata.
    You can read the story of Satyavan and Savitri here.
    It is believed that Savitri got her husband’s life back from the clutches of death.
    Each region in India observes a fast (upvas/vrat) in a different time of the year, like the Maharashtrians observe this as Vata Savitri and the North Indians as “Karva Chauth” etc.


    It is celebrated during the transition of Tamil Month of Maasi to Panguni but please note the time of the end of the month of Maasi and the beginning of  Panguni varies.

    If you are looking for accurate timings, please use the link below.👇 It gives you the date and Muhurtham timings of the Pooja as per the place you live in,

     If you wish, you can consult your temple priest or check with elders or refer to the Panchangam.


    On Karadayan Nombu day women worship the Goddess and offer her a Neivedhyam (offering) of Sweet & Savoury mini steamed Adais.
    Unmarried girls pray for a good husband and married women pray for their husband’s long life.
    There is a muhurtham time for tying the sacred yellow thread which indicates that we have offered our prayers.
    During this time, Women pray to the Goddess and tie the sacred yellow cotton thread known as Manjal cheradu or Nombu Cheradu for the well-being of their husband. This thread is not as thick as the Thali Kayaru(cheradu), this is a thinner version as shown in the picture.

    *Women who are unable to perform the pooja on Nombu day due to monthly periods or any other reason, can do it on the following Tuesday or Friday during the Panguni month.*


    Wear a Pattu(Silk) saree and for girls the pattu pavadai (if possible)

    Keep in the pooja room near God on a plate, manjal, kumkumam, betel leaves, paaku, broken coconut, banana, flowers and all the yellow threads. Light the lamp and the Incense/Dhoopam for the Goddess. (refer to the picture above ☝)

    Prepare The sweet and savory Adai's (Refer to Recipe below 👇)
    In plates or banana leaves place the Adais(Sweet and savory) and do neivedhyam for the Goddess.
    Put small maa - kolams in front of the God for the total number of Girls/Ladies and One for the Goddess Amman
    (This can be done in the morning itself, it should be totally dry when you do the pooja)
    Place a banana leaf on top of each Kolam, Keep the Nombu adai(Sweet & Savory) with umelted butter on each banana leaf.
    Do Namaskaram to the Goddess, tie a yellow thread (Nombu cheradu) for the Goddess and then sit cross legged in front of each Banana leaf placed before the Goddess.
    Now tie the nombu cheradu around your neck by yourself and tie it for the children too.

    *The following shloka is chanted while tying the yellow thread*

    In Sanskrit,
    “Throram Krishnami subhake saharitham
    Dharami aham bharthu Ayushya Sidhartham supreethabhava sarvadha”
    Which means,
    By tying the sacred yellow thread, I hereby pray for a long life for my husband and also pray that we always live happily together.

    In Tamil ladies chant,
    Urugaadha Venneyum, Oru adaiyum, Oru Noolum naan noorthaen
    Orukkalumum en kanavan ennai vittu piriyaada irukka vendum.
    Which means,
    I offer unmelted butter alongwith the adai, Tying a thread doing nombu,
    Bless me O Goddess that me and my husband never get separated and always live happily together.

    After tying the rope, take one adai along with unmelted butter and eat it.😋😋😋😋😋.
    Ladies should eat this adai and break the fast.
    Then it should be distributed to the members of family.

    This is how Karadaiyan Nombu is performed in our house. This procedure may differ as per places.

    Consult the elders about your family practice and do the pooja accordingly.


    I will share with you an easy method to make the adai without compromising much on the taste.
    Before you make the adai (for sweet adai and the savory adai), roast the rice flour in a wok so it loses its raw smell. The color of the flour should still be white. Transfer it onto a plate to cool.


    Rice Flour - 2 cups
    Jaggery (powdered) - 1.5 cups
    Water - 1 cup
    Black eyed beans - 1/2 cup
    Coconut (cut into small cubes) - 2 tbsp
    Ghee - 2 tbsp
    Cardamom (Elaichi) - 2-3

    Soak the beans overnight or for around 3 hours, pressure cook and set aside.
    Pound the cardamom, separate the skin and further pound the seeds inside into a powder.
    In a wok, add Ghee, the cardamom seeds and coconut pieces, Allow the coconut pieces to fry until golden. Then add the water and let it boil, once it starts boiling, add the jaggery.
    When the jaggery starts to froth and the raw smell of jaggery disappears, add the roasted rice flour, cooked black eyed beans, and mix the ingredients well. Mix until it rolls up like the chappati dough. Remove from the gas. Allow it to cool.
    Once it is cool enough to touch, make balls of the mixture and flatten it to round shapes. Put a hole in the middle with your finger just like a doughnut, place on the idli moulds.
    Steam them in an idli cooker for 7 - 10 minutes. Serve with a generous dollop of white butter (usually made at home).


    Rice flour - 2 cups
    Water - 2 cups
    Cooked black eyed beans - 3 tbsp
    Green chillies / Dried red chillies - 2
    Coconut, diced - 2 tbsp
    Oil - 1 tbsp
    Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
    Curry leaves - a Sprig
    Asafetida - a pinch
    Salt - to taste
    Heat some oil in a wok, add some mustard seeds, asafetida, green chillies or dried red chillies and curry leaves and sauté for a minute, till the seeds stop spluttering. Add the water to it next and let it come to a boil. Add in the salt, coconut pieces, cooked black eyed beans and the roasted rice flour and stir well so that lumps don't form. Mix until it rolls up like the chappati dough. Remove from the gas. Allow it to cool.
    Make balls out of it, flatten the balls and cook in an idli steamer for about 10 minutes.
    Serve with a generous dollop of butter.

    Enjoy the Adais 😋😋😋😋😋 as a reward of breaking the vratham👍 kept for your dear husbands or would-be husbands.

    The thread you tied around the Godess's Idol can be removed once its worn out, it can be tied to a plant or branch of a tree or dispersed in water. Do not disperse in reserviors/lakes
    The threads tied around the women can be tied to the Thali Cheradu (Kodi)/Mangalsutra if you wish to or tie it to a plant or the branch of a tree.
    For unmarried girls the thread can be tied to the branch of a tree too.


    Friday, January 10, 2014


    This time when I went for my weekend grocery shopping, I saw bags of frozen Toovar Lilva, all neatly picked, sorted and frozen. The fresh ones are not available so easily in Singapore and seeing such a convenient pack I decided to buy it.
    Usually when I buy this I use it in the Surti Undhio. This time I thought I will make something different from it and decided to make a Pulav out of it which is a one pot meal at home on the days when I am lazy to cook and I need to rustle up something quickly.
    Here is a recipe of the Toovar Lilva Pulav for people who like some variety in their palette.
    The Toovar Lilva Pulav was such a hit in our house that it got over in no time.

    Toovar Lilva / Pigeon Peas – 1 cup
    Basmati Rice – 1 ½ cup washed and drained
    Bay leaves - 1
    Cumin Seeds – 1 tbsp
    Cinnamon sticks – 1
    Clove / Lavang – 1
    Turmeric – ½ tsp (Optional)
    Asafetida – a pinch
    Onion – 1 finely chopped (Optional)
    Freshly chopped coriander leaves – 2 tbsps
    Oil – 2 tbsps
    Salt as per taste

    To Be Ground Into A Smooth Paste (using Little Water)
    Chopped Coriander leaves – ½ cup
    Green chillies – 4
    Ginger paste – 1 tsp
    Lemon Juice - ½  tbsp
    Fresh Green Garlic (Hara Lehsun) – ¼ cup (Optional)

    Rinse out 1 ½ cups of long grained Basmati rice and then soak it for a while in water.
    I used the frozen pigeon peas, Incase you are using the frozen Toovar Lilva, kindly soak it in some warm water. If you are using fresh ones just rinse the pigeon peas out through a colander and they are ready to use.
    Now, take the chopped coriander leaves, green chilly paste, ginger paste, a pinch of salt, Lemon juice and the fresh green garlic and blend to fine consistency in a mixie / blender adding a little water.
    (I didn’t use the green garlic & onion in this recipe)

    In a wok, put 2 tablespoons of oil, once the oil is heated add in the Bay leaves, Cinnamon stick, clove and the cumin seeds, once you see the cumin getting fried, add in a pinch of Asafetida (I always like to asafetida in my dishes as it has property to remove gases and in this recipe we have beans so it is good to add some), and fry for a minute.
    Now add in the finely chopped onions and sauté until transparent. The onion should look shrunk and well fried.
    After this, add in the Corriander-green chilly-ginger-lemon juice paste and sauté well. The color of the paste when fried well becomes slightly light.
    Ensure that you don’t burn the masala as then the pulav won’t taste so good.
    Meanwhile drain the water of the Toovar Lilva by passing it through a colander (if using the frozen ones).
    Once, the masala turns into a lighter color. Add in the Toovar Lilva and sauté until the Pigeon peas turn into a lighter green,
    After this add in the rinsed and soaked Basmati rice without any water and sauté for 2-3 minutes adding salt as per the taste and mixing everything well.
    Once this is done you can put this in a rice cooker and add water according to finger level consistency for example when you put your finger in you will know how much rice is there, that much water has to be added or alternatively add water until the rice is completely immersed and there is another tea-cup of water on top. The water level has to be perfect for a perfect pulav, now switch on the rice cooker and keep to cook position.
    I always use the electric rice cooker for pulav in Singapore but you can make it in a non stick wok by closing the lid and keeping the gas on a low flame.
    Either way it cooks well. Once the rice cooks, give it a light stir so that everything mixes well without breaking the grains of rice Put the lid back and let it stand for another five minutes. Then turn off the plug.
    Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot.
    If you want to decorate it some more you can even garnish it with freshly grated paneer.
    Enjoy the refreshing Toovar Lilva pulav with any gravy of your choice or just with Papad, pickle and raita, It’s a complete meal.


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